2MoRO announces the release of its new version of Aero-Webb® (v4.2). This version significantly improves the functional scope of the Fleet Management (FM), Inspector WorkBench (IWB), and Master Configuration Hub (MCH) modules. It also features major improvements to the user interface over the previous version that our customers will surely notice.
On the functional side, the main improvements are on the Fleet Management building block. The FM module has now evolved into a truly comprehensive and relevant toolset dedicated to "Customer Care".
In addition, the range of objects and functions has been enriched and improved. FM now includes new functions such as equipment movement tracking, enhanced security, and improved user-friendliness of the GUI. Upgraded management of events, a module-based attribute customization system and the addition of a Fleet object for the logical grouping of equipment can also be found in this new release.
IWB has also been updated to include the concept of "inventory tags" for improved monitoring and capture of inventory.
From the User Interface standpoint, the file management system has been improved to include a save file manager with document history and status functions. These improvements, as well as changes to the graphical interface itself (more intuitive button placements), make this new version of Aero-Webb more secure and easier to use.
What's next? The next version of Aero-Webb will be open to the outside IT environment, providing connectivity tools to marketplaces such as Aeroxechange or MyFleetRecords. It will also integrate the new A3 building block, dedicated to business intelligence...
For further information, to request a demonstration, or to set up a meeting, contact us at 2moro@2moro.com.
Aero-Webb Team.