SAP Certified Logo

We are proud to announce that, once again, Aero One® successfully passed the integration test with SAP Business One® ERP!

Because Aero One® grows its functional coverage every year (in 2014-2015, we added an entire Flight Operations & Crew Management module to Aero One®'s scope), SAP requires Aero One® to re-certify every two years. The certificate confirms that Aero One®'s overall features are fully compliant with SAP® technical requirements and procedures.

So, dear Customers, through Aero One®'s 2015 re-certification, we are very pleased to guarantee you that you are continually running an add-on technically approved by SAP!

And Aero One® remains, this year again, the only SAP Business One certified add-on dedicated to answering the very specific needs of the Aerospace and Defence Industry in terms of Maintenance Repair & Overhaul (MRO), Fleet Management, Flight Operations, and Support Management.

SAP Integration Certification
