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We were eager to deliver this new version of Aero One® that will answer your every need for time tracking management and even more.

What will you find in this new release that will convince you that is worthwhile to go with Aero One® 4.6?

Have a look at the following features! We are pretty sure that they might be interesting for your business optimization:

  • Track your staff overtime and define & assign work profiles to some of your employees: Because not every working hour or every employee has the same cost for the company, Aero One® now gives you the tools to be more accurate when calculating maintenance activity’s man-hour cost. Set overtime and work profile so that your man-hour cost on each maintenance operation reflects the reality.

  • Confirm work operations from your barcodes scanner device: You already could close an operation through the barcodes scanner device using Aero One®Time Tracking functionality. We went further and enhanced this functionality so you can now confirm operations in the system in the same manner that you were able to close them.

  • Search Flights forms: Aero One® Flight Operations module comes now with an additional form that helps you to find a flight in the system based on a multi-criteria search (flight number, tail number, dates, departure/arrival location, observation, aircraft type, and so on). Searching for a flight is becoming easy as 1, 2, 3!

Contact us to learn more about Aero One®'s new features!
